🏗️Dependencies & animals

Animals and dependencies are currently being built and are subject to change.

In the future you'll be able to build new dependencies to your farm and to breed animals.

For now the only animal available are chickens. Chickens cost 10 $RFF and will bring you one egg per day.

Eggs will be usefull later to craft a NFT Golden Egg which cost 50 gold and 150 egg. Those eggs are limited to 300 unites at the lauch of the game so hurry up!

The dependencies you can add to your farm are cosmetics NFTs and/or production enhancers.

DependencyRequiresBenefitsLimited to

Redflower Statue

50 $RFF 50 stone 50 Iron



Christmas Tree

300 $RFF 500 Wood



Chicken Coop

200 $RFF 300 Wood 25 Gold

NFT and increase egg production by 3


New dependencies and animals may arrive soon...

NOTE: Prices of animals adjust along with the RFF halvening events.

* 25 is the max limit of chickens on a standard farm. 35 is with the Chicken Coop NFT

Last updated